Thursday, April 21, 2016


Found this jewel today and thought it would make a good topic for my blog:

"In the midst of a storm, the sunshine and rainbows are even more beautiful."
--Simply Topaz

I used this quote to write a short passage about one of my graduating seniors for the school's yearbook.  Each year seniors ask teachers to write a "quote" for them, and it's printed in the yearbook for posterity.  This year Gretchen asked me to do the honor for her--and an honor it is; however, I can't really think of Gretchen without a lump in my throat and tears threatening to flow down my cheeks.  You see, Gretchen's mom has battled cancer twice during Gretchen's high school career--succeeding the first time, but not so the second time. Gretchen's mom has only a few months to live, and it's Gretchen's senior year.  

When I found this quote, I thought it symbolized Gretchen so well because in the midst of her storm, she has continued to take challenging Advanced Placement courses, play in the band, be a role model for her younger sister, take her mother to appointments, pick up her mother's medicine, cook meals for the family, and make excellent grades.  NEVER asking for an extension; NEVER making excuses; NEVER using her mom's cancer as a reason to get out of an assignment.  She will be attending college; she has received excellent scholarships, and all while she knows she is losing her mom.  I don't know when I have seen such poise from a 17-year old kid.  

So, I dedicate today's blog to those children--who despite all of the bad stuff in this world--manage to rise up, keep going, and succeed.  Thank you, Gretchen, for being such a wonderful role model.  I will miss your presence next year, but I cannot wait to hear about your accomplishments. 

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